Design News Mag

Design News Mag

Design News Mag featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Nostalgia is rhombic, set with black diamonds.Its shape combined with the stones set sideways,was inspired by two people's longing to meet again. Their connection is inimitable and this is described on its base;although they travel to different directions hoping to meet again, they fail to do so. The theme, with the stones looking sideways, shows exactly the pain caused by this longing of return; eventually it transfigures into hope. The juxtaposition emphasizes the true nature of love as it is manifested through time and space.

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Axis Fabio

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Ore 69

The Ore 69 is an expression of the complexity behind simple forms. Inspired by the naturally occurring solid element from which a metal or mineral is extracted, the Ore 69 stud earrings are an interface between raw nature and technology; an expression of the elemental beauty of the natural world. Using realistic physics-simulation software, a cylindrical form is broken into two individual, interlocking pieces revealing the internal fracture; a singular object becomes a pair of asymmetrical earrings.

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Infinitas is a 300 foot (91.5 meter) yacht. The design's main inspiration comes from the symbol for infinity which has been abstractly expressed within the yacht's elevation.The two main features of the yacht asserted by this close loop infinity symbol are achieved by carving out stern and mid section elliptical deck constructs. A central structural "spine" holds the loop together allowing the yacht's superstructure to seamlessly flow within itself.

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Water World

Water World lives the most mysterious and delicate creatures, each of them is a perfect unity of art and nature. The designers created a jewelry collection to express such unique aesthetic structures and beauty under the sea through their designs. And this ring was inspired by Aequorea, a crystal jellyfish.

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Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty is a statement necklace. It is made with a cold-enameled Champlevé process. Formed with 960 Sterling silver, it is hand-painted and filled with resin. The underside of the necklace is intricately adorned. Twisting vines wrap around fully, presenting focal views from the front and the back of the wearer. The profile of the necklace is designed in the shape of a heart. A rose bud hangs in the back, and represents undiscovered possibilities.

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