Angels OR Demons Jewellery - Design News Mag

Design News Mag

Design News Mag featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Angels OR Demons

We witness the constant battle between good and bad,darkness and light,day and night,chaos and order,war and peace,hero and villain every day. Regardless of our religion or nationality,we have been told the story of our constant companions: an angel sitting on our right shoulder and a demon on the left,the angel persuades us to do good and records our good deeds.T he devil persuades us to do bad and keeps record of our bad deeds. The angel is a metaphor for our "superego" and the devil stands for "Id" and the constant battle between the conscience and the unconscious.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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