Design News Mag

Design News Mag

Design News Mag featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



An elegant collier inspired by ruffs, ancient neck decorations that you can see on many beautiful paintings of the XVI and XVII century. Characterized by a contemporary and modern design, simplifying the typical ruffs style trying to make it modern and contemporary. A sophisticated effect that gives elegance to the wearer, using black or white colours allows a multiplicity of combinations with a modern and pure design. A one-piece necklace, flexible and light. A non-precious material but with an high fashion impressive design that makes this collier not just a jewel but a new body ornament.

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Each piece is an interpretation of a fragment of nature. The Nature becomes a pretext to give life to jewels, playing with textures lights and shadows. The aim is to provide a jewel with interpreted shapes as the nature would design them with its sensitivity and sensuality. All pieces are hand made finished to enhance textures and particularities of the jewel.The style is pure to reach the plant life substance. The result gives a piece both unique and timeless deeply connected to nature.

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While in the 21th Century, the use of high contemporary technologies, of new materials or of extreme new forms is often a must to do innovations, Gravity proves the opposite. Gravity is a collection of adaptable jewelry using only the threading, a very old technique, and the gravity, an inexhaustible resource. The collection is composed of a great number of silver or gold elements, with various designs. Each of them can be associated with pearls or stones strands and pendants. The collection becames so an infinity of different jewels.

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Ring Watch

The Ring Watch represents the maximum simplification of a traditional wristwatch through its elimination of numbers and hands in favor of the two rings. This minimalist design provides both a clean and simple look that marries perfectly with the watch's eye-catching aesthetic. It's signature crown still provides an effective means for changing the hour while its hidden e-ink screen shows off the vivid color bands with exceptional definition, ultimately maintaining an analog aspect while also providing a longer battery life.

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P1-R Prototype

Automotive concepts coupled with offshore racing, combining the need for aerodynamics and aesthetics inspired this project in which form and function harmonize. Further inspired by hydrodynamics and the ergonomic design of the world's most iconic supercars, the project further includes a luxurious dynamic. The unique properties of this project entail; aero-foils to create an aggressive, purposeful quality whilst aiding stability at high speed. A unique electric regenerative system to momentarily increase power and overall efficiency further compliments the innovative design.

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A whole new line of sport boats for Glastron USA. A modern look with the DNA of the Glastrons from the 70s and 80s glory Days. These boats are the romiest in its class. Also bring back the unique spear design. Also using a molded in swim platform, rather than a outside mounted. Gauges and dash is special design for these GT, GTS, GTL line from Zolland Design SWEDEN. The result is a series of safe, modern and sporty boats with a totaly unique look in the market segment.

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